Montage residences for rent
Montage residences for rent

montage residences for rent

No governmental agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of the development. Obtain all disclosure documents required by applicable laws and read them before signing anything. Nor is it an offering or solicitation of sale in any jurisdiction where the development is not registered in accordance with applicable law or where such offering or solicitation would otherwise be prohibited by law. This does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy a unit. In addition, owners will have an opportunity for a Marina membership unlocking a unique and personalized nautical lifestyle. Residents will enjoy cultural events, special environmental activities, and private tours of some of the area’s most well-kept treasures. Montage living also includes special privileges across a spectrum of customized experiences, including access to bespoke excursions around the Abacos for fishing, diving, boating and sea explorations, led by locally renowned aficionados. In addition, owners can place their residence in the optional Montage Cay Rental Management Program. Featuring a respite to retreat and relax at Spa Montage, private Resident beach, a stunning resort pool, signature dining options, Compass Sports, tennis and pickleball, putting green, and Paintbox children’s program.

montage residences for rent

Montage residences for rent full#

As an extension of the hotel, owners will have access to an unparalleled array of lifestyle amenities, including full immersion of a private island sanctuary. While in-residence, Montage Residential owners appreciate effortless living with personalized services and thoughtful touches, with a dedicated staff focused on delivering the highest standard of comfort, privacy and luxury.

Montage residences for rent